Basic instructions:
- add - Addition: x + y
- minus - Subtraction: x - y
- multiply - Multiplication: x * y
- divide - Division: x / y
- mod - Modulus: remainder from x / y
- percent - Percentage: y% of x
- pow - Power: x * x y times or x^y
- sqrt - Square root: result * result = x
- any root - root: z= x~y or z is y root of x.
- dec2bin - Decimal to Binary: bit-wise expression, base 2
- dec2oct - Decimal to Octal: base 8
- dec2hex - decimal to Hex: base 16
- oct2dec - Octal to decimal: return to base 10
- hex2dec - Hex to Decimal: return to base 10
- deg2rad - degrees to Radins: conversion
- rad2deg - Radians to degrees: conversion
- hypot - Hypotenuse: length of Hypotenuse given Right-angle-triangle of base y and height x
- bit<< - Bit shift: x left by y bits
- bit>> - Bit shift: x right by y bits
- bit-and - Bit mask: x and y
- bit-or - Bit mask: x or y
- bit-xor - Bit mask: x xor y
- disc - Disc area: x = diameter
- sphere - Spherical volume: x = diameter
- cyl - Cylindrical volume: x bore by y stroke length
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